CarbonDynamix stringed musical instruments may look something like a science fiction version of a banjo but they produce a very unique sound.
So why is it so unique? There are three key reasons:
• Firstly, other than the floating bridge, the instrument is constructed of one-part carbon fibre. While carbon has been used in stringed instruments before, it has never been used this way and being structurally just a single part helps create wonderful sustain.
• Secondly, the core material is not made of traditional guitar timber, it is made of balsa! This may seem ridiculous but there is logic underpinning such madness. The stiffness of carbon fibre is naturally inclined to create a higher pitched sound than normal guitar timbers and so balsa is used as the core material as an acoustically sympathetic material to slightly soften the carbon edge. The result is a unique synergy that provides a sweeter overall tone. It also makes for a super light-weight instrument (typically less than 2.2 lbs or 1 kg).
• Thirdly, the soundboard or head of the instrument is ultra-thin carbon fibre under permanent pre-stress. The carbon fibres are actually placed under great stress, stretched flat across the body of the instrument prior to resin set. Carbon is much stronger than normal banjo head Mylar (polycarbonate plastic) so once set, the soundboard/head produces a unique sound that is sustained through the entire one-part body and neck.